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Version: 2024.1

Create user


Creates a new user in CloudShell.


http://{Admin API IP}:{port#}/api/v1/users

HTTP method




Example header format:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json

Request body
Username(bool) Username.
Password(string) User's password
Email(string) User's email address.
IsActive(bool) true creates an active user.
IsAdmin(bool) true creates a system administrator.
GroupIds(string) Comma-separated list of group ids to add the user to.
TimeZoneInfold(string) User's time zone.
MaxReservationDuration(int) (Optional) Maximum allowed sandbox duration for the user (in minutes). Specify "-1" to use the default.
MaxConcurrentReservations(int) (Optional) Maximum number of sandboxes the user can own at any time. Specify "-1" to use the default.
MaxScheduledSandboxes(int) (Optional) Maximum number of scheduled (planned/future) sandboxes the user can have at any time. Specify "-1" to use the default.
MaxOwnedBlueprints(int) (Optional) Maximum number of blueprints the user can own at any given time. Specify "-1" to use the default (unlimited) This setting applies to admins, domain admins and regular users only.
MaxSavedSandboxes(int) (Optional) Maximum number of saved sandboxes the user can have at any time. Unlimited by default. Applies to customers using the Save and Restore add-on. Specify "-1" to use the default.
Request example
"Username": "john m",
"Password": "1234",
"Email": "",
"IsActive": true,
"IsAdmin": true,
"GroupIds": [
"TimeZoneInfoId": "Israel Standard Time",
"MaxReservationDuration": 1,
"MaxConcurrentReservations": 2,
"MaxScheduledSandboxes": 2,
"MaxOwnedBlueprints": 2,
"MaxSavedSandboxes": 0


Response example
"Id": 14
Response code
201 Created