Create user
Creates a new user in CloudShell.
http://{Admin API IP}:{port#}/api/v1/users
HTTP method
Example header format:
Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>
Content-Type: application/json
Request body
Parameter | Description/Comments |
Username | (bool) Username. |
Password | (string) User's password |
(string) User's email address. | |
IsActive | (bool) true creates an active user. |
IsAdmin | (bool) true creates a system administrator. |
GroupIds | (string) Comma-separated list of group ids to add the user to. |
TimeZoneInfold | (string) User's time zone. |
MaxReservationDuration | (int) (Optional) Maximum allowed sandbox duration for the user (in minutes). Specify "-1" to use the default. |
MaxConcurrentReservations | (int) (Optional) Maximum number of sandboxes the user can own at any time. Specify "-1" to use the default. |
MaxScheduledSandboxes | (int) (Optional) Maximum number of scheduled (planned/future) sandboxes the user can have at any time. Specify "-1" to use the default. |
MaxOwnedBlueprints | (int) (Optional) Maximum number of blueprints the user can own at any given time. Specify "-1" to use the default (unlimited) This setting applies to admins, domain admins and regular users only. |
MaxSavedSandboxes | (int) (Optional) Maximum number of saved sandboxes the user can have at any time. Unlimited by default. Applies to customers using the Save and Restore add-on. Specify "-1" to use the default. |
Request example
"Username": "john m",
"Password": "1234",
"Email": "",
"IsActive": true,
"IsAdmin": true,
"GroupIds": [
"TimeZoneInfoId": "Israel Standard Time",
"MaxReservationDuration": 1,
"MaxConcurrentReservations": 2,
"MaxScheduledSandboxes": 2,
"MaxOwnedBlueprints": 2,
"MaxSavedSandboxes": 0
Response example
"Id": 14
Response code
201 Created