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Version: 2024.1

Navigating the Self-Service Portal

The Self-Service Portal, or CloudShell Portal, displays the pages, catalogs and dashboards you are permitted to access in the top left side of the page. Here you can create and manage your CloudShell blueprints, resources and their connections.

The following image illustrates the main areas of the CloudShell Portal. For additional information, hover over each area in the image or see the table below.

The main areas of the page are as follows:

1SearchRun a free text search for items in the catalog or dashboard.
2Page NavigationSwitch between dashboards and catalogs that are related to the page. For example, in the Blueprint Catalog, you can switch to the Sandboxes dashboard.
3FiltersUse the filters to find items matching specific criteria.
4Menu barThe menu bar has links to the pages you are permitted to access.
5Dashboard headerThe dashboard header tells you which page you are in and may include additional filtering/display options.
6Main work areaThis is where you view and manage the items that are relevant for the dashboard. For example, sandboxes in the sandboxes dashboard and the organization's resources in the Inventory dashboard.
7User menuUse this menu to perform user-related actions including logoff, change password and time zone, and import a blueprint package.
8Domain menuSwitch domains you are permitted to access.
9Online help filesHelp: Click to see the current CloudShell version and open the online help.
10Guided toursTutorials: Click to familiarize yourself with the CloudShell Portal via guided tours.