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Version: 2024.1

Touring the Self-Service Portal

Use the Tutorials option to familiarize yourself with CloudShell Portal via guided tours.

CloudShell Portal includes some basic out-of the-box web tour (tutorial) templates (for the Blueprints Catalog, Blueprint workspace, and Sandboxes dashboard). These web tours can be used as is, or customized as required by administrators, who can also create new custom tours, as described in Managing CloudShell Portal Tours.

Once a tour is configured, you can launch it in CloudShell Portal. If auto-start has been configured, the tutorial will automatically launch when the relevant CloudShell page is opened for the first time in the session.

To view CloudShell Portal tours:

  1. From the Tutorials menu, select a tour from the list.

    The Tutorials menu shows all the available tours that have been defined for your specific CloudShell Portal.

    The relevant tour launches.

  2. Click Next to proceed through the tour.

  3. Click End Tour to exit the tour when done