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Version: 2024.1

Creating and Using Shells in CloudShell

This article explains the end-to-end flow for creating and using Shells in CloudShell. For layer 1 switch Shells, see L1 Switches.

To create and use a Shell:

  1. Check for a suitable OOTB Shell in the Quali Repositories page.
  2. If a suitable Shell exists, import the Shell into CloudShell, as explained in Importing Shells, and proceed to step 6.
  3. If you find a Shell but need to extend or change it, see CloudShell Dev Guide's Customizing Shells.
  4. If a suitable Shell doesn't exist, create a new Shell from our standard pool:
    1. Install Shellfoundry - see Installing or Updating Shellfoundry in the CloudShell Dev Guide.

    2. Associate CloudShell to Shellfoundry - see Configuring CloudShell Connection Settings in the CloudShell Dev Guide.

    3. Get a list of all available standard templates - see Setting the Standard in the CloudShell Dev Guide.

      Every standard has a dedicated GitHub repo with documentation to help you find the Shell that is most suitable for the type of resource you want to model. To see our standards, click here.

    4. Create a new Shell from a suitable template and name it after the device's model - see Setting the Standard.

  5. Package and import the Shell into CloudShell's inventory - see Packaging and importing a Shell into CloudShell in the CloudShell Dev Guide.
  6. Create new CloudShell items as appropriate - see Adding Inventory Resources.
  7. For layer 2 switch resources, model the switch's connections in CloudShell - see Define the Resource Connections of the Switch or Patch Panel.