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Version: 2024.1

TestShell Studio

Prevent regular users (non-admins) from creating tests and folders in the Shared test folder

Key<add key="AllowNonAdminToCreateTestsUnderSharedRoot" value="false"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentTestShell Studio
Version6.1.1 and above

Hiding the "Shared" test folder from Job Scheduling

Key<add key="AllowNonAdminToCreateTestsUnderSharedRoot" value="false"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.4 and above