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Version: 2024.1

Registration, Passwords, Emails, and Licenses

Enable registration

Enable registration (Requires also setting the Registration.AdminEmail key, as explained below) (Registration.Enabled)

Key<add key="Registration.Enabled" value="True"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Set email address for a system administrator level user


<add key="Registration.AdminEmail" value=""/>

Where is the email address of a Resource Manager Client system administrator

Possible valuesEmail address, separated by semi-colons (;)
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueN/A
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Server
Version6.0 and above

Configure registered user permissions

Key<add key="Registration.DefaultDomain" value=""/>
Possible valuesDefault domain
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueN/A
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Server
Version6.0 and above

Configure registered user permissions

Key<add key="Registration.AdditionalGroup" value=""/>
Possible valuesText
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueExternal Users
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Server
Version6.0 and above

Configure the default role when a user is registered

Key<add key="Registration.DefaultRole" value="Regular"/>
Possible valuesText
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueRegular
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.1 and above

Enable password reset

This also requires configuring the SMTP mail. See Enabling password reset.

Key<add key="ResetPassword.Enabled" value="True"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Hide the "Change Password" option from the user menu

Key<add key="ChangePasswordEnabled" value="False"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueTrue
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Enable delaying failed login attempts/brute-force protection

Key<add key="DelayFailedLoginsAttempts" value="True"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Server
Version2023.3 and above

Change the default idle time for releasing the license

Key<add key="IdleLicenseReleaseWatchdog.IdleTimeInMinutes" value="65"/>
Possible valuesNumeric (in minutes)
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal / CloudShell Authoring / TestShell Studio installation directory
Default value65
Affected CloudShell ComponentTestShell Studio/TestShell Runner/CloudShell Authoring
Version6.3 and above

Change the email validation pattern


<add key="EmailValidationPattern" value=""/>

Where the email address strings can include any character in any language or symbol (separated by "@" and "."). For example, to limit the email address to a particular company, set value="[^\s@]"

Possible valuesText, email address string
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueEmail address format (@.*)
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version7.0 and above

<add key="PortalAddressLinkForEmails" value="protocol://Portal:PortalPort"/>

ParameterParameter details
protocolhttp or https if CloudShell Portal is set to use SSL
PublicServerNameThe DNS name or IP address of the CloudShell Portal virtual front
PortalPortThe port which CloudShell Portal is using (If the port is 80 or 443, remove this parameter and the colon from the key value).
Possible valuesText, email address string
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueN/A
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version7.0 and above