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Version: 2024.1

Create the Linux Execution Server from a Script

Online installation process (CentOS)


  • Quali Server
  • Execution server script that matches your Quali Server version
  • Existing Linux CentOS 7.x VM

To create the Linux execution server in an online environment:

  1. Make sure you have the Linux execution server installation script in a temporary location. For details, see Downloading the Linux Virtual Appliance Image.

  2. Create a Linux VM with a CentOS version that matches the script's version.

  3. Using a file transfer client like WinSCP, upload the script to the VM's root folder.

  4. If the VM is in offline mode, extract the Offline Package Repository zip file to the local PyPi Server repository. For details, see Add the out-of-the-box dependencies package to the local PyPi Server repository.

  5. Run the following command to allow the script to be executable.

    chmod +x
  6. Execute the script with the right parameters.

    ./ <CloudShell IP> <CloudShell User> <CloudShell Password> <ES Server Name>
  7. Next, Log into the VM.

Offline installation (CentOS, RedHat, Ubuntu)

The offline installation script supports CentOS, RedHat and Ubuntu.


  • Download server: Machine with an internet connection for downloading the execution server's script package and dependencies

  • Execution server: Offline machine with access to Quali Server and one of the following operating systems:

    • RHEL/CentOS 8.x
    • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Python installed on the VM or in the base image

  • Create the following folder structure on the execution server machine:

    • /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall
      • /os_pkgs
      • /python_pkgs

To create the Linux execution server:

  1. In CloudShell Download Center, find the appropriate CloudShell Execution Server Offline Installation Package and copy its URL.


    Execution server and Quali Server must have the same version.

  2. Download the package to the download server.

    wget <CloudShell Execution Server Offline Installation Package URL> -O ExecutionServer.tar

    And copy the package to the execution server's /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall folder.

  3. Make sure the execution server has either Python 2.7.18 and Python 3.9.9 installed. If it is missing, run the appropriate commands to download the appropriate package:

    • Python 2:

    • Python 3:


    And copy the .tgz Python files to the execution server's /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall folder.

  4. Download the appropriate packages:

    • For RedHat/CentOS:

      yumdownloader --resolve yum-utils make mono-complete- gcc python2-devel python3-devel openssl-devel zlib zlib-devel libffi-devel python2-pip python3-pip
    • For Ubuntu:

      apt install --download-only build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev wget libbz2-dev zlib* python-pip mono-complete=6.12.* -y

      Note that the Ubuntu packages will be located at /var/cache/apt/archives.

    And copy the packages to the execution server's /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall/os_pkgs folder.

  5. Download the appropriate Python packages to the download server.

    • Python 2:

      pip2 download pip==19.2.3
      pip2 download virtualenv==20.13.0
      pip2 download wheel==0.37.1
    • Python 3:

      pip3 download pip==21.2.4
      pip3 download virtualenv==20.13.0
      pip3 download wheel==0.37.1

    And copy the package to the execution server's /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall/python_pkgs folder.

  6. On the execution server, navigate to the /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall folder and run:

    ./cloudshell_es_installation -s <Cloudshell Server> -u <Username> -p <Password> -n <ES Name> -o <rhel or ubuntu>

    Omit -n <ES Name> to use the machine's hostname as the execution server's display name in CloudShell Portal.

  7. When the installation completes, you can optionally cleanup the /tmp/ExecutionServerInstall folder or the download server altogether.