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Version: 2024.1

Configure Sandbox API to Work in HTTPS Mode

The section describes how to set up CloudShell Sandbox API to run in secure mode (https).

Before you begin make sure you have an SSL certificate installed on your CloudShell Portal IIS server.

To configure Sandbox API to run in HTTPS mode:

  1. Make sure you have the server.key and server.crt Portal IIS certificate files or convert file/s you have to these two files (using the openssl tool, for example).

  2. Open the C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\SandboxApiGateway\win64\ssl folder, and place the server.key and server.crt IIS certificate files in this folder (If the folder does not exist, create it).

  3. In the C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\SandboxApiGateway\conf\httpd.conf file, uncomment the "Define UseSSL” line:


    The instructions in this article are sufficient. Do not follow the instructions provided in the file.

  4. Open the C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\SandboxApiGateway\customer.config file, and add the following key :

    <add key="Frost.PortSSL" value="3443"/>

    Replace the default port number of "3443” as required.


    To reset the CloudShell Sandbox API port number, see Configure CloudShell Sandbox API.

  5. Make sure to keep a back up of these files as they may be overwritten/deleted when upgrading CloudShell to a new version or patch.

  6. Restart the CloudShellSandboxAPIGateway service.