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Version: 2024.1

Finding Blueprints Containing a Specific Resource, Service or App

The following Python scripts utilize the CloudShell Automation API to print a list of the blueprints that have a specific component and should be run from an IDE that can access the Quali Server.

To use this script, replace resource name with the name of the resource and set the CloudShell details.

from cloudshell.api.cloudshell_api import CloudShellAPISession
from pprint import pprint

# specify target resource name
TARGET_RESOURCE_NAME = "resource name"

# specify api session details
user = "admin"
password = "admin"
server = "localhost"
domain = "Global"

api = CloudShellAPISession(host=server, username=user, password=password, domain=domain)

def is_resource_list_in_blueprint(api, blueprint_name, target_resource_name):
search current blueprint resources for presence of the Target Resource
:param CloudShellAPISession api:
:param str blueprint_name:
:param str target_resource_name:
details = api.GetTopologyDetails(blueprint_name)
bp_resources = details.Resources
for curr_resource in bp_resources:
if curr_resource.Name == target_resource_name:
return True
return False

all_blueprints = api.GetTopologiesByCategory().Topologies
target_blueprints = [bp_name for bp_name in all_blueprints
if is_resource_list_in_blueprint(api, bp_name, TARGET_RESOURCE_NAME)]

if not target_blueprints:
print("No blueprints in system with target resource")
print("=== Target Blueprints containing '{}' ===".format(TARGET_RESOURCE_NAME))

# add to text file
with open('target_blueprints.txt', 'w') as f:
for bp in target_blueprints:
print >> f, bp

To use this script, replace service alias with the alias of the service and set the CloudShell details.

from cloudshell.api.cloudshell_api import CloudShellAPISession

# set list of service "Alias"
TARGET_SERVICES = ["service alias"]

# api session details
user = "admin"
password = "admin"
server = "localhost"
domain = "Global"

api = CloudShellAPISession(host=server, username=user, password=password, domain=domain)

def is_resource_list_in_blueprint(api, blueprint_name, target_service_names):
search current blueprint resources for presence of the Target Resource
:param CloudShellAPISession api:
:param str blueprint_name:
:param [str] target_service_names:
details = api.GetTopologyDetails(blueprint_name)
bp_services = details.Services
bp_service_names = [service.Alias for service in bp_services]
for service_name in target_service_names:
for bp_service_name in bp_service_names:
if service_name == bp_service_name:
return True

all_blueprints = api.GetTopologiesByCategory().Topologies
target_blueprints = [bp_name for bp_name in all_blueprints
if is_resource_list_in_blueprint(api, bp_name, TARGET_SERVICES)]

if not target_blueprints:
print("No blueprints in system with target services")
print("=== Target Blueprints containing '{}' resources ===".format(TARGET_SERVICES))

# add blueprints to text file
with open('target_blueprints.txt', 'w') as f:
for bp in target_blueprints:
print >> f, bp

This script looks for blueprints with Apps that contain a deployment path from a particular cloud provider resource. To use, replace cloud provider resource name with the name of the cloud provider resource and set the CloudShell details.

from cloudshell.api.cloudshell_api import CloudShellAPISession
from pprint import pprint
from timeit import default_timer

# set list of target resources
TARGET_CLOUD_PROVIDER_RESOURCE = "cloud provider resource name"

# api session details
user = "admin"
password = "admin"
server = "localhost"
domain = "Global"

api = CloudShellAPISession(host=server, username=user, password=password, domain=domain)

def is_resource_list_in_blueprint(api, blueprint_name, target_cloud_provider):
search current blueprint resources for presence of the Target Resource
:param CloudShellAPISession api:
:param str blueprint_name:
:param str target_cloud_provider:
details = api.GetTopologyDetails(blueprint_name)
bp_apps = details.Apps
for curr_app in bp_apps:
deployment_paths = curr_app.DeploymentPaths
for dp in deployment_paths:
curr_cloud_provider = dp.DeploymentService.CloudProvider
if curr_cloud_provider == target_cloud_provider:
return True
return False

start = default_timer()
all_blueprints = api.GetTopologiesByCategory().Topologies

print("searching {} blueprints for results...".format(len(all_blueprints)))

target_blueprints = [bp_name for bp_name in all_blueprints
if is_resource_list_in_blueprint(api, bp_name, TARGET_CLOUD_PROVIDER_RESOURCE)]

if not target_blueprints:
print("No blueprints in system with target resource")
print("=== Target Blueprints containing '{}' ===".format(TARGET_CLOUD_PROVIDER_RESOURCE))

# add to text file
with open('target_blueprints.txt', 'w') as f:
for bp in target_blueprints:
print >> f, bp

print("Done after {} seconds.".format(default_timer() - start))