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Version: 2023.3

vCenter Deploy VM From Linked Clone Deployment Path Attributes

The following attributes would be used to define the VCenter Deploy VM From Linked Clone:

AttributevCenter shell versionDescription
Cloud ProviderAllName of the vCenter cloud provider resource to be used
vCenter VMAllFull path to the VM containing the snapshot that will be used to clone a new VM, relative to the datacenter.
vCenter VM SnapshotAll

Full path to the virtual machine snapshot that will be used to clone a new VM. For example Snapshot1/Snapshot2

This snapshot should be associated with the VM defined in the vCenter VM input.

Behavior During SaveAll

(Applies to the Save and Restore paid add-on) The VM's state while the sandbox is being saved. Options are Remain Powered On and Power Off.

  • Inherit: (Default) Uses the setting defined on the vCenter cloud provider resource
  • Remain Powered On: The VM will remain powered on during the saving state.
  • Power Off: If the VM was powered on before the sandbox entered the saving state, the VM will shut down (power off) for the duration of the save.
  • The value configured here overrides the configuration in the vCenter cloud provider resource, see Add VMware vCenter Cloud Provider Resource.
  • After save has ended, the VM returns to its state prior to saving, regardless of the behavior during the save.
Saved Sandbox StorageAll

(Applies to the Save and Restore paid add-on) During the saving process, CloudShell creates a clone of the sandbox's App VMs in this vCenter storage, which CloudShell will later use to restore the VM when the user restores the saved sandbox. See Save a Sandbox for more information.

For storage purposes, these VM clones can be stored in a different data storage than the one configured in the VM Storage attribute defined on the vCenter cloud provider resource. The storage can be either a datastore or a datastore cluster. For example: datastore1 or clustername/datastore1.


The value configured here overrides the configuration in the vCenter cloud provider resource, see Add VMware vCenter Cloud Provider Resource.

Customization Spec2nd Gen onlyName of the vSphere VM Customization Specification to apply to the App's VM.
Hostname2nd Gen only

(Only applies to Windows and Linux VMs) The hostname to set on the VM.


If Customization Spec is specified, the value specified in the Hostname attribute will be used. If Customization Spec is not specified, a new one will be created for the VM. For Windows VMs, make sure to specify a password in the App resource page

Private IP2nd Gen only

(Only applies to Windows and Linux VMs) The private static IP to set on the first vNIC of the VM. If there's a default gateway, specify it after the private IP. For example: "" where is the default gateway

  • If there is no gateway, the .1 IP of the same subnet will be used as the gateway. So, for private IP "", gateway "" will be used.
  • It is also possible to provide a subnet mask here. For example: ""
  • If Customization Spec is specified, the value specified in the Private IP attribute will be used.
  • If Customization Spec is not specified, a new one will be created for the VM. For Windows VMs, make sure to specify a Password in the App resource page.
  • If Customization Spec is specified, the value specified in the Private IP attribute will be used. If Customization Spec is not specified, a new one will be created for the VM. For Windows VMs, make sure to specify a Password in the App resource page.
CPU2nd Gen onlyNumber of CPU core s to configure on the VM.
RAM2nd Gen onlyAmount of RAM (GB) to configure on the VM.
HDD2nd Gen onlyAllows to add/edit hard disk size to the VM. The syntax is semi-colon separated disk pairs 'Hard Disk Label: Disk Size (GB)'. For example: 'Hard Disk 1:100;Hard Disk 2:200'. Short-hand format is also valid: '1:100;2:200'.