📄️ Connecting an Execution Server to Quali Server
This article explains how to connect, or associate, an Execution Server to Quali Server. You need to do this whenever you install a new Execution Server, or deploy an Azure Template or AWS CloudFormation for a cloud-based Quali Server and need to associate the newly-created Execution Server with the Quali Server.
📄️ Setting Up Execution Servers to Run Commands
This article explains how to configure execution servers to run commands in CloudShell. Note that associating execution servers to automation suites is done on the job level, as explained in Add jobs to an automation suite.
📄️ Optimizing Execution Provisioning
This article provides guidelines on how to optimize execution provisioning in CloudShell, taking into account the number of execution servers to include, command/job slots, types of executions to handle (commands, test jobs, Python/Authoring drivers), test runtimes and their load on the system.
📄️ Deleting Execution Servers
This article explains how to properly remove execution servers from CloudShell. This includes having a backup execution server that is configured to handle the to-be-deleted execution server's assignments.
🗃️ Setting Up Python Virtual Environments
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