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Version: 2024.1

Setting up Training Portal Using the Installer (Over the Shoulder)


  • NodeJS 14
  • CloudShell 2020.1 GA or higher
  • QualiX 3.2 or higher


To install and configure Training Portal:

  1. Download and extract the Training Portal installation package from

  2. Set the Sandbox API endpoint by creating the following environment variable:

    • Variable name: QS_SANDBOX_API

    • Variable value: http://<Sandbox-API-IP>:<Sandbox-API-Port>

      For example:

  3. In Command-Prompt, navigate to the root folder of the Training Portal and run:

    npm install
    npm run-script build
    node index.js

Customization options

  1. Perform the desired customization:

    • White-labeling: Override the \training-portal\src\assets\white-label-logo.png image file with the new logo (keep the same file name).

    • Instructions pane width:

      1. Open the \training-portal\src\components\Instructions.js file.

      2. Locate the line:

        export const instructionsDrawerWidth = '350px';
      3. Set the desired instructions pane width, in pixels.

      4. Save the file.

  2. Rerun:

    run-script build

    In some cases, like changing packages, you might need to re-run the npm install as well.

  3. Restart the CloudShell Portal IIS service.


  1. In the Quali Server machine, open the following file in a text editor:


  2. Do the following under the <ConfigurationSection name="LinkApplications"> tag:

    1. Copy the appropriate Full link(s):


      SSH Full link:

      <key name="SSH - Full" pattern="http://<QualiX IP>/remote/#/client/c/ssh{qid}?qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=ssh&amp;port=22&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}" icon-key="SSH" />

      RDP Full link:

      <key name="RDP - Full" pattern="http://<QualiX IP>/remote/#/client/c/rdp{qid}?qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=rdp&amp;port=3389&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;security=any&amp;ignore-cert=true" icon-key="RDP" />
    2. Copy the appropriate Read only or Full access link from the sections below:

      Read only links

      In "read only" mode, the user can only view the session but not move elements or click buttons and links on the connected device.

      <key name="SSH - ReadOnly" pattern="http://<Qualix IP>/remote/#/client/c/ssh{qid}sharedr?qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=ssh&amp;port=22&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;shared=true&amp;readonly=true" icon-key="SSH" />
      <key name="RDP - ReadOnly" pattern="http://<Qualix IP>/remote/#/client/c/rdp{qid}sharedr?qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=rdp&amp;port=3389&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;security=any&amp;ignore-cert=true&amp;shared=true&amp;readonly=true" icon-key="RDP" />

      Read/Write access links

      A full access connection grants the user full permissions on the device or VM's OS. However, since this is a shared link, it can only access existing connections but not create them.

      <key name="SSH - ReadWrite" pattern="http://<Qualix IP>/remote/#/client/c/ssh{qid}shared?qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=ssh&amp;port=22&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;shared=true&amp;readonly=false" icon-key="SSH" />
      <key name="RDP - ReadWrite" pattern="http://<Qualix IP>/remote/#/client/c/rdp{qid}shared?qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=rdp&amp;port=3389&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;security=any&amp;ignore-cert=true&amp;shared=true&amp;readonly=false" icon-key="RDP"/>
    3. In each link, replace <QualiX IP> with the QualiX Server hostname or IP address.

  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the Quali Server service.

  5. In Resource Manager Client, create a user for the trainee with access to the appropriate domain.

Setting up a new training session

  1. In REST API, create an access token for the training session:

    1. Open the Training Portal's live documentation page:

    2. Log in to the user's domain.

    3. Expand the POST /token API method.

    4. Click inside the Model Schema area to load the request body.

    5. In the body area, replace with the trainee's CloudShell user name (do not remove the quotes).

      For example:

    6. Click Try it out!.

      A Response Code of "200" indicates success.

    7. Copy the access token from the Response Body, without the quotes.

  2. Build the training portal link:



    • <TrainingPortalUrl> is the url defined in the package.json ("3001" is the default Training Portal port)
    • <SandboxId> is the sandbox ID (taken from the sandbox's URL)
    • <AccessToken> is the access token you copied from the POST /token API's Response Body

    For example:
    • By default, when starting the Training Portal with the node index.js command, it will start listening on port 3001. This is a value that is coming from inside the index.js file. If you prefer a different port, you should edit the file.
    • Use a tool like pm2 to make the process run as a service (

    The trainee uses this link to work in the sandbox, which looks something like this:

    Over-the-shoulder users access the trainee's QualiX session from the sandbox, via the resource or App's remote access links.

HTTPS Configuration

  1. Prepare the Certificate Files:

    1. Obtain or generate the server certificate key and PEM files.
    2. Copy the files to the Training Portal server.
  2. Ensure you have the full path to the PEM and key files.

  3. Stop the Training Portal server.

  4. Open a command prompt window.

  5. Run the appropriate commands to create the necessary environment variables:

    • For Windows:

      set PROTOCOL=https
      set SSL_CRT_FILE=C:\qs\Training-Portal\cert\server.pem
      set SSL_KEY_FILE=C:\qs\Training-Portal\cert\server.key

      Make sure to replace the path and name with the actual full path and name to the certificate files on your system.

    • For Linux:

      export PROTOCOL=https
      export SSLCRTFILE=./server.pem
      export SSLKEYFILE=./server.key
  6. Start the Training Portal server.

  7. Run

    node index.js