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Version: 2024.1

QualiX High-level Setup Process

QualiX provides remote access connections to resource and App devices from your sandbox. This is the basic setup process:

  1. Download the QualiX installation files.

  2. Install QualiX Server on a vSphere VM or Docker container.

  3. Log into the QualiX Server VM (for QualiX over vSphere).

  4. Configure remote connection terminals in the Quali Server machine's ServerUniversalSettings.xml file.

    For example:

    <key name="RDP" pattern=http://<CloudShell Portal Host>:<CloudShell Portal Port>/Qx/connect?qualix=<VM IP>&amp;qualixType=https&amp;rdp{qid}&amp;qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=rdp&amp;port=3389&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;security=any&amp;ignore-cert=true icon-key="RDP" />

    These terminals define the connection protocol to be used (RDP in the above example), admin access credentials and other relevant details.

QualiX provides two methods for remote access connectivity:

  • Apache Guacamole provides access via RDP, SSH, Telnet and VNC. Apache Guacamole uses two services, which are activated by default when installing QualiX Server - qualix-tomcat and qualix-guacd.
  • QualiX’ VCenter Console Proxy service provides access to vCenter App VMs using the vCenter Console. The vCenter Console Proxy service is disabled by default and needs to be manually activated.