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Version: 2024.1

Configure Quali Server to Work with the Availability Group Listener

Associating Quali Server to an availability group listener allows Quali Server to access a database in a primary or secondary replica of an AlwaysOn availability group, so that when the primary Quali Server fails, the secondary switches online.

To configure Quali Server to work with the availability group listener:

  1. Run the Quali Server Configuration again on the first node.

  2. In the Database Selection page, click Advanced and for each database, select the Availability Group Listener as the database hostname.


    In SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition, for each database, specify that database's listener and port in the format "<hostname>,<port>". For example:

  3. Stop the Quali Server service.

To see the AlwaysOn listener properties:

  • Right click the listener and open the properties: