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Version: 2024.1

Owner Sandboxes


Returns list of sandboxes for a specific owner name


http://{CloudShell Sandbox API Gateway IP address}:{port#}/api/v2/sandboxes/owners/{owner_identifier}

owner_identifierThe name of the user (string).

HTTP method




Example header format for the sandboxes method:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json


Response example

This method returns a list of all the active sandboxes a specific owner has.

"name": "Sanity Testing on Latest Build",
"id": "fa4a313a-061d-4a40-9815-9730dd7c916f",
"description": "Blueprint with preconfigured sanity tests to be run on the latest build.",
"state": "Ready",
"blueprint": {
"name": "Sanity Testing Blueprint",
"id": "506f1880-5ba0-48ad-9385-d259edcf885b"
"name": "System Diagnostics Test",
"id": "0b0747f3-b3bb-4de1-b0f0-9c15b7327bb9",
"description": "Blueprint that automates system diagnostics checks on the local network.",
"state": "Ready",
"blueprint": {
"name": "System Diagnostics Blueprint",
"id": "07e70b79-3cba-4f1a-a957-fb4b0552fb33"
Response summary

The response output properties of the sandboxes method are described in the following table.

PropertySub PropertyDescription/Comments
name The name of the sandbox. (string)
id The ID of the sandbox. (string)
description A text description of the sandbox. (string)
state The current state of the sandbox. Possible values: Pending, Setup, Ready, Teardown, Error, Ended. (string)
blueprint The details of the sandbox's blueprint (Array)
 nameThe name of the blueprint (string)
 idThe id of the blueprint (string)