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Version: 2024.1

Sandbox Component Commands


Gets details about all the commands and connected commands provided for a particular component (resource, service, or App) in a specific sandbox.


http://{CloudShell Sandbox API Gateway IP address}:{port#}/api/v2/sandboxes/{sandbox_identifier}/components/{component_id}/commands

sandbox_identifierThe id of the sandbox (string). Can be retrieved via sandboxes, blueprint start and from the sandbox ID segment in the CloudShell Portal URL.
component_idThe id of the component (string). Can be retrieved via sandbox components and blueprint start.

HTTP method




Example header format for the sandbox component commands method:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json


Response example

The sandbox component commands method returns details about all the commands provided for a specific component of a particular sandbox and the actions that can be performed on each command.

"type":"numeric""possible values":[

"default value":"""mandatory":false

Response summary

The response output properties of the sandbox component commands method are described in the following table.

PropertySub PropertyDescription/Comments
name The name of the command. (string)
description A short description of the command. (string)
params The parameters needed for the command execution. (array)
 nameThe parameter name. (string)
 descriptionThe parameter description. (string)
 typeThe parameter type ("string", "numeric", or "lookup"). (string)
 possible valuesAll the possible values for this parameter. (array)
 default valueThe default value of the parameter. (string)
 mandatoryWhether or not the parameter is mandatory for the command execution. (bool)
executions The execution history for this command. (array)
 idThe ID of the execution. (string)
 statusThe current status of the command execution ("pending", "running", "stopping", "canceled"). (string)
 supports_cancellationWhether or not stopping the execution before it is completed is supported. (bool)
 _linksThe actions that can be performed on the execution (Get execution details, Delete execution)
_links The actions that can be performed on a sandbox's component command in the user's domain:
 selfProvides a link to get a command's details via a GET request.
 startProvides a link to start a command's execution via a POST request.
command_tagstring(For connected commands only) Tag defined for the command. Options are "power" or "remote_<remote command name>"