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Version: 2024.1

Adding/Removing Domain Blueprints

The are two ways to add blueprints to a domain: in the domain tab's Properties page, under Topologies, or in the domain tab's Diagram page.

  • Use the Topologies tab to view the list of all associated blueprints, to add blueprints to the domain, or to remove selected blueprints.
  • Use the domain tab's Diagram page to add new blueprints directly from Resource Explorer, and to perform blueprint operations.
  • Multi selection is supported.
  • When adding a blueprint to a domain, the blueprint's resources, services and Apps are added as well.
  • The blueprint's properties, including privacy setting, are also preserved, so if the blueprint is private, only the blueprint's owner will be able to see it in the new domain.

To add blueprints to a domain:

  1. In Resource Manager Client, in the domain's tab, open the Properties page and select the Topologies tab.

  2. Click the Add button and select the required blueprints.

To remove a blueprint from a domain:

  1. In Resource Manager Client, in the domain's tab, open the Properties page and select the Topologies tab.
  2. Select the blueprints that you wish to remove and click the toolbar's Delete button.

Adding blueprint routes

You can use the domain tab's Diagram page to manage blueprint routes.

You can add route segments for blueprint resources with existing connections.

  • Adding a new route adds all of the resources for that segment.
  • Deleting a route removes all the resources in the route except for the end point resources.