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Version: 2023.3

Why Does CloudShell Upgrade Override CloudShell Settings


After CloudShell upgrade, some processes no longer work or work unexpectedly.

Possible Causes

CloudShell upgrade overrides elements that come out-of-the-box with CloudShell, including global attributes (most related to 1st Gen cloud provider shells) and scripts. As a result, if you have made any changes to these elements, the upgrade will roll them back to their default states.


The rule associations on the out-of-the-box attributes are not affected by the upgrade.


To prevent this from happening, we recommend the following:

  • For scripts: If you plan on creating or customizing our out-of-the-box scripts, please make sure to rename your new/custom scripts as CloudShell's upgrade rolls back scripts based on their name and not contents.
  • For cloud provider shell attributes: We recommend using the 2nd Gen shells instead. 2nd Gen shells use their own namespaced attributes and settings and therefore are unaffected by upgrades. Note that 2nd Gen versions of these shells are available for download from Quali Repositories.
  • For the rest of the out-of-the-box attributes: Maintain custom minimal "DataModel only" shell packages that update just the default attributes and resource models as appropriate, and import into CloudShell Portal (as a blueprint package) after upgrade. This can be automated using the Quali API's Import Package method. The DataModel xml files are located at C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\Server\Config\Packages.
  • Whenever you run the Quali Server configuration wizard, the out-of-the-box packages are reimported. So to avoid having to import the custom packages every time you run the wizard, remove the out-of-the-box packages from the default location. Please do this every CloudShell upgrade.

Minimum Requirements for CloudShell Servers and Clients