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Version: 2023.3


Show/hide the bulk add resources option

Key<add key="ShowSearchMultiAdd" value="False"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueTrue
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Ensure the user only uses the chassis/port level for certain device types

Key<add key="SearchOnlySearchables" value="True"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueTrue
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Specify the maximum number of filtering attributes

Key<add key="NumberOfTopAttributeNames" value="10"/>
Possible valuesNumeric
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default value10
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Specify the maximum number of possible values per attribute

Key<add key="NumberOfTopAttributeValues" value="5"/>
Possible valuesNumeric
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default value5
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above