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Version: 2023.3

Scheduling and Queuing

Job Scheduling is available as an add-on. For details, contact your account manager.

For local tests configurations, see Working with local tests.

Set allowed job overtime before termination

Key<add key="ExecutionJobDurationOvertimePercentage" value="20"/>
Possible valuesNumeric (in percentage)
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default value10
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Set number of recently completed jobs to display in the scheduler

Key<add key="NumberOfEndedExecutionJobSetsToDislpay" value="4"/>
Possible valuesNumeric
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default value2
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.0 and above

Set the default job time buffer for extra time for tests, per job

Key<add key="DefaultCaluclationBufferInMinutes" value="10"/>
Possible valuesNumeric (in minutes)
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default value10
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.1 and above

Lock a test for editing

Key<add key="EnableTestShellStudioAccessControl" value="True"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Server installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version7.1 and above

Admin unlock permission

Key<add key="EnableAccessControlAdministration" value="False"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config TestShell Studio installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentTestShell Studio
Version7.1 and above

Set the default severity level for suite notification emails

Key<add key="SuiteEmailNotificationDefaultSeverityLevel" value="ErrorsOnly"/>
Possible valuesNone, ErrorsOnly, SuiteAndErrors, All
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueErrorsOnly
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version7.1 and above

Set the report template to use for tests executed in the Job Scheduling dashboard

To set the default execution report template for tests that were executed in Remote Runner, see Specifying the default report template.

Key<add key="DefaultReportTemplate" value="Test Steps"/>
Possible valuesTest Results, Test Steps, Detailed Report, Failure Report
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueTest Results
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
VersionBefore 7.0

Set the maximum number of steps for test reports

Key<add key="MaxReportStepCount" value="10000"/>
Possible valuesNumeric
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal/TestShell installation directory
Default value10000
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal, TestShell Studio and Runner
VersionBefore 7.0

Set the default Reporting Profile for automation suite jobs

Key<add key="LoggingProfile" value="Results"/>
Possible values

Results, Measurements and Results, All, None

For details, see Setting the default Reporting Profile for automation suite jobs.

Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueResults
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
VersionBefore 7.0

Enable non-admin users to edit and create suite templates

Key<add key="AllowRegularUsersToEditSnQ" value="True"/>
Possible valuesTrue/False
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Portal installation directory
Default valueFalse
Affected CloudShell ComponentCloudShell Portal
Version6.3 and above