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Version: 2023.3

PyPi Server

Set the online computer's name and port


This applies to CloudShell deployments using PyPi Server to retrieve and serve Python dependencies from a dedicated online computer.

Key<add key="RequirementsRepository" value="http://<hostname|IP>:<port>"/>
Possible valueshostname or IP address and port
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Execution Server installation directories
Default valueN/A
Affected CloudShell ComponentExecution Server
Version8.2 and above

Define the online computer as a trusted host


This applies to CloudShell deployments using PyPi Server to retrieve and serve Python dependencies from a dedicated online computer.

Key<add key="RequirementsTrustedHost" value="http://<hostname|IP>:<port>"/>
Possible valueshostname or IP address specified in the RequirementsRepository configuration key
Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Execution Server installation directories
Default valueN/A
Affected CloudShell ComponentExecution Server
Version8.2 and above

Set a secondary online python packages repository


Make sure to set this key on all execution servers.

Key<add key="RequirementsExtraRepository" value="http://<hostname|IP>:<port>"/>
Possible values

hostname or IP address and port. For example:

<add key="RequirementsExtraRepository" value=>

Where to add/changecustomer.config CloudShell Execution Server installation directories
Default valueN/A
Affected CloudShell ComponentExecution Server
Version8.2 and above