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Version: 2024.1

Sandbox Component Id


Gets details and available actions for a particular component (resource, service, or App) in a specific sandbox.


http://{CloudShell Sandbox API Gateway IP address}:{port#}/api/v2/sandboxes/{sandbox_identifier}/components/{component_id}

sandbox_identifierThe id of the sandbox (string). Can be retrieved via sandboxes, blueprint start and from the sandbox ID segment in the CloudShell Portal URL.
component_idThe id of the component (string). Can be retrieved via sandbox components and blueprint start.

HTTP method




Example header format for the sandbox component id method:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json


Response example

The sandbox component id method returns details about a specific component of a particular sandbox, and the actions that can be performed on the component.

"component_type":"Generic App Model",
Response summary

The response output properties of the sandbox component id method are described in the following table.

PropertySub PropertyDescription/Comments
id The ID of the component. (string)
name The name of the component. (string)
type The component ("resource", "application", or "service"). (string)
component_type The resource model. (string)
description A short description of the component. (string)
active_deployment_name (Available for App components) The name of the deployment path for the App. (string)
template_name (Available for App components) The name of the App template. (string)
app_lifecycle (Available for App components) The current state of the App ("undeployed"/"deployed"). (string)
attributes The attributes of the resource model. (array)
 typeThe attribute type. (string)
 nameThe attribute name. (string)
 valueThe attribute value. (string)
connection_ interfaces The connection interfaces of the resource. (array)
 nameThe name of the connection interface. (string)
 urlThe URL of the connection interface of the component. (string)
_links The actions that can be performed on the component of a sandbox in the user's domain:
 selfProvides a link to get the component's details via a GET request.
 commandsProvides a link to get all the resource commands for the component via a GET request.