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Version: 2024.1

Sandbox Activity


Gets the content of CloudShell Portal's Activity Feed for a particular sandbox. This displays information about actions performed in the sandbox by the user and automation process.

The maximum number of entries in the response is configured by the administrator. If this number of entries is exceeded, the response will include multiple pages. For more information, see Setting the response page size for the Sandbox API live documentation pages.


http://{CloudShell Sandbox API Gateway IP address}:{port#}/api/v2/sandboxes/{sandbox_identifier}/activity?tail=100&from_event_id

URL ParametersDescription/Comments
sandbox_identifierCan be retrieved via sandboxes, blueprint start and from the sandbox ID segment in the CloudShell Portal URL.

You may add the following optional parameters to the end of the method's URL to filter the number of events. For example - displaying the last 100 errors:

Query ParametersDescription/Comments
error_onlyReturns only "error" type events. (bool)
sinceTime from which to return all events. Time must be specified in ISO 8601 format (for example PT23H).(string)
tailLast number of events to return. (integer)
from_event_idID of the first event in the response page to display, which is returned in the next_event_id property of the response. (string)

HTTP method




Example header format for the sandbox activity method:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json

By default, the method's response includes all the events that occurred during the sandbox's lifecycle.


Response example

The sandbox activity method returns the events from the Activity Feed of a particular sandbox. The response includes :

"event_text":"Sandbox 'MyBlueprint' has started",
"execution_server": null
"event_text":"'Deploy' resource command on 'vCenter VM From...' started",
"execution_server": "WIN-ES-NY"
Response summary

The response output properties of the sandbox activity method are described in the following table.

PropertySub PropertyDescription/Comments
number_of_returned_events The number of events in the Activity Feed that match the filter criteria in the request. (integer)
more_pages (Relevant if the response includes multiple pages) true indicates that there are additional events that are not displayed in this response page (bool)
next_event_id (Relevant if the response includes multiple pages) The ID of the first event on the next page of the response. (integer)
Note: To get the next page, run the method again with this value in the from_event_id input parameter.
events The details of the Activity Feed events (array)
 idThe ID of the event (string)
 event_typeThe type of event ("success"/"error") (string)
 event_textThe text displayed in the Activity Feed for the event (string)
 output(Events related to command execution) Text displayed as output of the command (string)
 timeThe time in which the Activity Feed event was logged (string)
execution_serverName of the execution server that executed the command. (string)