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Version: 2024.1

Install CloudShell in a Quick Procedure

The Installation wizard checks for missing prerequisite components and installs them as part of the installation process.


This procedure is suitable for a standalone installation for testing, staging and POCs. To install a production environment, see Complete Installation.

To install CloudShell in a quick procedure:

  1. Download the installation package for CloudShell Version: 2024.1 GA from Quali Download Center.

  2. Extract the installation zip file to a temporary directory, ensuring a short path (e.g., c:\temp), to prevent potential Windows limitation issues related to maximum path lengths.

  3. Navigate to the temporary directory and from the installation package, double-click setup.exe.

  4. If prerequisite components are not installed, you are prompted to install them. Click OK.

  5. In the Welcome window, click Next.

  6. Accept the license agreement and click Next.

    To apply a license using an activation code, see Select a CloudShell License.

  7. In the Type of Installation window, specify the Standalone installation type and click Next.

  8. In the Component selection window, select all the components and click Next.

  9. In the Destination folder window, accept the default or modify it, as required. Click Next.

  10. In the IIS configuration window, select the Set IIS Express option. You can accept the default port value or specify a port. Click Next.

  11. Follow the prompts of the installation wizard, accepting the default values.

    The CloudShell Configuration Wizard launches automatically when the respective CloudShell applications have been installed. Follow the prompts of the CloudShell Configuration Wizard to configure, in succession, each selected CloudShell application.