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Version: 2024.1

Configure CloudShell Products

This article describes the configuration settings for the CloudShell products.

πŸ“„οΈ Configure Application Settings

While the available configuration settings vary for each component, the configuration options are the same within each configuration utility. For example, for any product where you need to select a license, the Select a license screen works the same way for every configuration utility. Instead of walking through each in a linear fashion and repeating the information multiple times, the process of selecting a license is explained once, see Select a CloudShell License.

πŸ“„οΈ Configure CloudShell Sandbox API

The CloudShell Sandbox API service is installed by the CloudShell Installation wizard (as described in Install CloudShell Sandbox API). Since CloudShell Sandbox API is a service, you can install it on the same machine as the CloudShell Portal/Quali Server or on a different machine, and also install it on several machines (and can configure the settings accordingly). Having multiple Sandbox API services is useful if you have security issues and don’t want to allow connectivity from other automation clients to Quali Server or for scenarios where you have multiple Continuous Integration servers in different parts of the lab consuming sandboxes.