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Version: 2023.3

Deploy the New Job Scheduling Infrastructure using Helm

To install the Helm chart:

  1. In a command-line terminal, navigate to the folder containing the CloudShell.tgz package you downloaded from Quali’s Download Center.

    cd <cloudshell-helm-charts-folder>
  2. Deploy the Helm package using the customized parameters file:

    helm upgrade --install cloudshell cloudshell.tgz -f customer.values.yaml --namespace cloudshell


    • "cloudshell.tgz" is the name of the helm chart package

    • "customer.values.yaml" is the parameters file name

    • "cloudshell" is the name of the logical namespace in which the deployment will reside. To install CloudShell on the default namespace, remove --namespace cloudshell flag from the command.

    The command output should look like this:

To query the CloudShell services status:

  • Use kubectl, Kubernetes Dashboard or your preferred Kubernetes UI.