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Version: 2023.3

High-level installation flow

The New Job Scheduling uses a microservices architecture, which includes several services, each deployed over a scalable group of containers that are hosted on a Kubernetes cluster. This infrastructure is deployed using Helm, which is a modern orchestration platform for deploying microservices-based software on Kubernetes.

In order to deploy the New Job Scheduling, you will need the following:

  • kubectl Kubernetes management utility installed on a client machine and configured with admin access on the Kubernetes cluster. For details on the required Kubernetes cluster configuration, see Requirements (New Job Scheduling).

  • Helm CLI tool installed on the kubectl machine

  • CloudShell.tgz Helm package. Please download from Quali’s Download Center.

The high-level installation flow is as follows:

  1. Install and configure CloudShell (CloudShell Server installation wizard, MSSQL Server, MongoDB server, etc.)
  2. Customize the Deployment of the New Job Scheduling Infrastructure
    1. Customize the Deployment Configuration Parameters
    2. Set the Mongo, Rabbit and Sandbox Services to Use Static IPs
  3. Modify CloudShell to Use the Kubernetes-based Services
  4. Deploy the New Job Scheduling Infrastructure using Helm
  5. Review New Job Scheduling Administrative Actions for additional useful configurations.