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Version: 2023.3

Add a Resource Script to a Model

Description: Add a resource script to a specific model.

Signature: add_script_to_model(model_name, script_name, script_file_path, version, script_alias, parameters, category)


model_nameInYesSpecify the model name you want the driver to be connected to
script_nameInYesSpecify the name of the resource script you want to add
script_file_pathInYesTo replace the current script file with another one, specify the full path to the script file (including file name). py files and zip packages are supported.
versionInNoSet a version number for the script
script_aliasInNoSpecify an alias for the service
parametersInNoSpecify a list of inputs required by the script. For example: ["key1, value1”, "key2, value2”]
categoryInNoScript's category. The script will be arranged under this category in the resource/App/service's Commands pane


`add_script_to_model('Generic Chassis Model','Debugging script' ,'C:\\Work\\Scripts\\Resource-Service\\', '', 'Generic Resources', [], 'Infra')`