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Version: 2023.3

Add a Family

Description: Add a new family to the package.

When importing the package into CloudShell, if the family doesn’t exist, it will be created. Otherwise it will be modified.

Signature: add_family(family_name, description, categories, connectable, admin_only, shared_by_default, service_family, searchable)


family_nameInYesThe name of the family that you want to create or modify
descriptionInNoA short description of the family
categoriesInNoIn case this family represents a family of services, specify the category for the family to be
connectableInYesSpecify if the resources / services from this family can be connected to other resources / services
admin_onlyInYesSpecify if the resources / services from this family can only be viewed by admins
shared_by_defaultInYesSpecify if the resources / services from this family are shared with other users by default
service_familyInYesSpecify if this family represents a family of services
searchableInYesSpecify if resources from this family appear in search results


`packageEditor.add_family("Family1",'This is a test',[],True,True,False,False,False)`

`packageEditor.add_family("ServiceFamily1",'This is a test',[‘Cat1’,’Cat2/Sub1’], False, False,False,True,False)`