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Version: 2024.1

Get suite template details


Gets a detailed summary of a suite template in a domain.


http://{Job Scheduling API IP}:{port#}/api/spaces/{space_name}/SuiteTemplate/{id}

space_nameCloudShell domain in which the suite was executed. (string)
idSuite execution's ID- included in the suite's URL. (string)
For example:

HTTP method




Example header format:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json


Response example
"id": "b25d72e0-4f44-4b62-949c-02596196b157",
"createdDate": "2020-10-28T10:30:19.122Z",
"ownerUsername": "admin",
"ownerName": "admin",
"modifiedDate": "2020-10-28T11:10:07.78Z",
"modifiedByUsername": "admin",
"modifiedByName": "admin",
"testTypeName": "Robot",
"testTypeId": "59aabbe8-dc0b-48c4-81af-d76f915b47b1",
"spaceId": "35f2d31b-7ce2-45b1-b7aa-7e5002a9031c",
"spaceName": "Test Lab",
"name": "Hardware Network Test",
"description": "",
"cronTrigger": null,
"shouldStartAutomatically": false,
"jobs": [
"name": "job 1",
"description": "",
"durationBufferInMinutes": 0,
"blueprint": {
"id": "0e1e151f-a581-4e6d-b9e2-7473b1d2297e",
"name": "CloudShell Sandbox Template",
"inputs": []
"tests": [
"id": "17936298/demo_tests1/new_test (1).robot",
"name": "new_test (1).robot",
"path": "demo_tests1",
"durationInMinutes": 1,
"inputs": [
"name": "additional_parameters",
"value": ""
"repositoryName": "ROBOT Tests"
"id": "17936298/140_tests_tsivya2/b (101).robot",
"name": "b (101).robot",
"path": "140_tests_tsivya2",
"durationInMinutes": 1,
"inputs": [
"name": "additional_parameters",
"value": "fghfgh"
"repositoryName": "ROBOT Tests"
"id": "17936298/140_tests_tsivya2/b (102).robot",
"name": "b (102).robot",
"path": "140_tests_tsivya2",
"durationInMinutes": 3,
"inputs": [
"name": "additional_parameters",
"value": "dfgsd"
"repositoryName": "ROBOT Tests"
"id": "17936298/140_tests_tsivya2/b (103).robot",
"name": "b (103).robot",
"path": "140_tests_tsivya2",
"durationInMinutes": 4,
"inputs": [
"name": "additional_parameters",
"value": "dfg"
"repositoryName": "ROBOT Tests"
Response summary
idSuite execution id. (guid)
createdDateSuite template creation time. (ISO 8601 Date/Time format)
ownerUserNameCloudShell username who owns the suite template. (string)
ownerNameFirst and Last name of the CloudShell user who owns the suite template. (string)
modifiedDateLast modification time of suite template. (string)
modifiedByUserNameCloudShell user who last modified the template. (string)
testTypeNameTesting framework of suite's tests. (string)
testTypeIdID of the test type. (guid)
spaceIdID of domain in which the suite template resides. (guid)
spaceNameDomain in which the suite template resides. (string)
nameSuite template name. (string)
descriptionSuite template description. (string)
cronTriggerConfigured recurring executions of this suite, in cron. (cron expression)
shouldStartAutomaticallySpecifies if suite execution is set to start automatically (true). (bool)

Job details:

  • name: Job name. (string)
  • description: Job description, if defined. (string)
  • durationBufferInMinutes: Buffer period, in minutes. (numeric)
  • blueprint: Details of the job's blueprint.
    • id: Blueprint ID - included in the blueprint's URL. (guid)
      For example:
    • name: Blueprint name. (string)
    • inputs: Inputs defined on the job's blueprint. (string) (string)
  • tests: Details of the job's tests.
    • id: Test ID. (guid)
    • name: Test name. (string)
    • path: Test path from the root. (string)
    • durationInMinutes: Test's duration, in minutes. (numeric)
    • inputs: Details about the test's inputs:
      • name: Input name. (string)
      • Value: Input value, if defined. (string)
    • repositoryName: Name of online repository containing the test. (string)