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Version: 2023.3

Restoring CloudShell Databases

This procedure explains how to restore CloudShell from existing database files.

To restore CloudShell databases:

  1. Copy the backup files that you created to the appropriate machine.
  2. Shut down CloudShell services on this machines, as described in the Backing Up CloudShell Databases procedure.
  3. Restore the backup files into the existing databases.
    1. In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the CloudShell database server.
    2. In the Databases tree, right-click each Quali database, and select Tasks >Restore>Database.
    3. In the Restore Database dialog box, fill in the details, pointing to the previously created backup. For more information, see
  4. Restart CloudShell services:
    • Quali Server:
      1. Run the Quali Server Configuration Wizard.
      2. In the Administrative Tasks page, ensure that the Search Service is up to date.
    • IIS Service: Restart the service as described in Backing Up CloudShell Databases.

You can now proceed to Upgrade the Validation Environment.