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Version: 2024.1

What’s in this Guide

When performing any task in CloudShell, you might occasionally come across an error message which you do not know how to handle. This Troubleshooting Guide includes common error messages and step-by-step instructions to resolving them.

Since we are confident that you will be able to resolve many of the issues yourself, we recommend that before contacting Customer Support, you will:

  1. Check out the issues discussed in this guide.
  2. Check out Known CloudShell Installation Issues.
  3. Join the technical discussions taking place in our Community Forums.

How to find what you need?

  • Use the error message as your search term.

  • Browse the side menu to see a list of categories that might relate to your issue.


You should always try to identify whether the issue is a CloudShell issue or an operating system issue reflected in CloudShell.

Didn't find what you need?

If you have not been able to solve your issue with the information included in this guide and need the assistance of Customer Support, we recommend that you attach a zip file containing relevant logs when you open your ticket. Providing logs to Customer Support helps them analyze the circumstances that led up to an error, resulting in a more efficient and timely solution.

For more information on how to collect logs, see Collecting Logs.