Installation Guide

This help article applies to CloudShell 9.3. To see the latest, click here.

Modifying the Quali.vbs File

To modify the Quali.vbs file:

  1. Rename the extracted Quali.vbs file to: "Quali.vbs.old". Keep this file as a backup.
  1. Open the Quali.vbs file in a text editor.
  2. Modify the following values:

    • Eventlog – The values are $true or $false. If the value is $true, all scripts write logs to the Windows event log while running - set to $true by default. It’s recommended to leave it with the default.
    • ScriptPath – The folder which in you store all the PowerShell scripts that are in the downloaded HA Plugin zip file. For example:

      Const EventLog = "$true"

      Const ScriptPath = "c:\Quali\QualiServer"

  3. Save the file.