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Version: 2023.3

CloudShell RabbitMQ Service Fails to Start during Quali Server Installation

Error Message

Any of the following:
  • A critical internal process failed to restart twice in 10 minutes. CloudShell has terminate.

  • Cannot start Quali Server service on local computer.
    Error 1067: Process was killed in the middle.

  • FATAL SandboxServiceServerPlugin - Embedded Sandbox Services has failed to startup successfully, please check logs for more details.


Quali Server installation/configuration ends unexpectedly. RabbitMQ installation error.

Possible Causes

There are two known causes:

  • Insufficient memory allocated to MS SQL Server. MS SQL Server consumes as much memory as Windows allows it to consume. This is a by-design behavior of an MS SQL Server instance and is not a CloudShell issue.
  • Erlang version supplied with CloudShell is incompatible with the Quali Server's Windows operating system.


To resolve the issue described above, follow these steps:

  1. Check the Erlang version in C:\Program Files:

  2. Install Erlang version 23.3 (or above) for Windows. For example:

  3. Configure the System Environment variables:

    1. In the Start menu, type "system variables" and select Edit the system environment variables.

    2. In the System Properties dialog box, select Advanced and click Environment Variables.

    3. Edit the variable ERLANG_HOME path and set the new Erlang folder location. For example:

    4. Add new system variable ERLANG_SERVICE_MANAGER_PATH and set the Erlang \bin folder as the value. For example:

  4. Configure the Sandbox Service.

    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\Server\SandboxService\temp.

    2. Edit the service_configuration.yml file using your preferred text editor and locate the json block.

    3. Replace the json block with the block below:

      class: jsonformatter.JsonFormatter
      mix_extra: true
      mix_extra_position: 'tail'
      format: {
      "timestamp": "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d",
      "app": "SBS",
      "traceId": "traceId",
      "thread": "thread",
      "level": "levelname",
      "machinename": "machineName",
      "name": "name",
      "message": "message",
      "module": "module",
      "lineno": "lineno",
      datefmt: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
      default_msec_format: '%s.%03d'
    4. Save the file.

    5. Copy the file and replace the one in the folder above (C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\Server\SandboxService).

      Run the Quali Server configuration wizard.

      Restart the machine.