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Version: 2023.3

Start adhoc suite execution


Runs an adhoc suite execution. Adhoc suites are created on-the-fly for the execution and cannot be edited, deleted nor rerun.


http://{Job Scheduling API IP}:{port#}/{space_name}/SuiteExecution/start

space_nameCloudShell domain in which the suite was executed. (string)

HTTP method




Example header format:

Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>

Content-Type: application/json

Request body

Suite details. The parameters of the adhoc suite execution method include:

nameName of the suite execution. (string)
descriptionOptional description for the suite execution. (string)
testTypeNameType of tests to run. (string)
Currently, the value to use is "Robot".

Job details:

  • name: Job name. (string)
  • description: Job description, if defined. (string)
  • durationBufferInMinutes: Job's execution buffer, in minutes. (Numeric)
  • blueprint: Details of the job's blueprint.
    • name: Blueprint name. (string)
    • inputs: Published global inputs defined in the job's blueprint.
      • name: global input's name. (string)
      • value: global input's value. (string)
    • abstractRequirements: Published requirements in the blueprint's abstract resources.
      • type: Type of abstract requirement. (string) There are two options:
        • "Quantity" when specifying the number of abstract resources to select.
        • "Attribute" for any other attribute requirement.
      • resource: Name of the abstract resource. (string)
      • name: Name of the abstract requirement. Specify "Quantity" to indicate the number of abstract resources to select.
      • value: Requirement's value. (string, numeric for Quantity)
    • additionalInputs: Published additional inputs in the blueprint's abstract resources.
      • resource: Name of the abstract resource. (string)
      • name: Name of the additional info. (string)
      • value: Additional info's value. (string)
    • serviceInputs: Published inputs belonging to services in the blueprint.
      • resource: Name of the service. (string)
      • name: Name of the service input. (string)
      • value: Service input's value. (string)
  • tests: Details of the job's tests.
    • name: Name of the test. (string)
    • path: Path to the test's containing folder. (string)
    • durationInMinutes: Test's duration in minutes. (Numeric)
    • inputs: Test's inputs.
      • name: Input name. (string)
      • Value: Input value. (string)
    • repositoryName: Name of online repository containing the test. (string)
Request example
"name": "my ad-hoc robot execution",
"description": "string",
"testTypeName": "Robot",
"jobs": [
"name": "job 1",
"description": "string",
"durationBufferInMinutes": 3,
"blueprint": {
"name": "my blueprint",
"inputs": [
"name": "Sandbox number",
"value": "4"
"abstractRequirements": [
"type": "Quantity",
"resource": "DUT resource",
"name": "Quantity",
"value": "1"
"additionalInputs": [{
"resource": "DUT resource",
"name": "Firmware version",
"value": "1.00.2"
"serviceInputs": [{
"resource": "Controller service",
"name": "Service.Address",
"value": ""
"tests": [
"name": "run-traffic.robot",
"path": "Traffic tests",
"durationInMinutes": 1,
"inputs": [
"name": "Additional CMD Parameters",
"value": ""
"repositoryName": "GitHub"


Response example
"id": "a7f13fe5-ddee-4ec8-971f-a0e6784c8387"
Response summary
idSuite execution id. (guid)