2024.1.0 Quali API Library Reference Guide


Starts a new session in Quali Server using the requested user credentials.


Login(serverMachine, serverPort, username, password, domain)


String Server Address
IP address or host name of the Quali Server machine, i.e.: or QsServer.
String Server Port
The TCP port that the Portal is configured to work on.
String User Name
Username to login with.
String Password
Specify the user's login password.
String Domain
Specify the name of the domain.
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Starts a new session in Quali Server using the requested user credentials.


SecureLogon(serverMachine, serverPort, token, domain)


String Server Address
IP address or host name of the Quali Server machine, i.e.: or QsServer.
String Server Port
The TCP port that the Portal is configured to work on.
String Token
Token to login with.
String Domain
Specify the name of the domain.
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Get Available Suite Templates

Retrieves the list of all available automation suites.




out String matrix Templates
Provides an array of available automation suites. Each suite is composed of: Name, Description, Owner, Create Date, Modification Date. The name attribute indicates the name of the suite template. The description attribute indicates the description of the suite. The owner attribute indicates the name of the user who created the suite. The create date attribute indicates the create date and time of the suite. The modification date attributes indicate the last modification date and time.
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Get Suite Template Details

Retrieves properties of the specified automation suite template.




String Suite Template Name
the name of the suite template that is used as a container for the suite
out String Description
Displays the automation suite description.
out String Type
Indicates the automation suite type.
out String Owner
Indicates the name of the user who created the automation suite.
out String Create Date
Indicates the create date and time of the automation suite.
out String Modification Date
Indicates the last update date and time of the automation suite.
out String Email Notifications
Indicates notification trigger settings: None, Errors, Suite and Errors, or All.
out Numeric Remove Jobs From Queue After
Indicates the number of minutes for the suite's execution queue timeout. Suites are automatically removed from the queue upon timing out. -1 Indicates that queue timeout is disabled.
out String End Reservation On End
Indicates if the suite's reservation was set to end automatically upon execution completion.
out String matrix Jobs Details
Output is a 9 column matrix with Job Index, Name, Description, Logging Profile, Estimated Duration, Stop On Fail, Stop On Error, Topology Name, and Duration Time Buffer as the column headings. The Index column will display a run of unique numbers. The suite Name column indicates the name of the parent automation suite. The Name column indicates the name of each job. The Description column indicates the description of each job. The Logging Profile column indicates the selected logging profile for this job. (None, All, Results, Measurements and Results) The Estimated Duration column Indicates the number of minutes entered as the job's estimated duration. -1 indicates that the duration will be calculated automatically according to the test durations. The Stop On Fail column indicates whether the job was set to stop execution if any of its tests failed. The Stop On Error column indicates whether the job was set to stop execution if any of its tests ended with an error. The Topology Name column indicates the name of attached topology. Duration Time Buffer indicates the number of minutes to be added to the duration estimation.
out String matrix Job Execution Servers
Indicates the execution servers for each job Output is a two column matrix with Job Index and Execution Server as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. If a job has multiple execution servers, there will be a row with the same index value for each required execution server.
out String matrix Topology Global Inputs
Indicates the topology’s input parameters and parameter values. Output is a four column matrix with Job Index, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Topology Requirements Inputs
Indicates requirements for specific topology resources. Output is a six column matrix with Job Index, Resource Path, Name, Value, Type, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. The Type column indicates whether the Name and Value fields refer to resource model, quantity, or attribute. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Topology Additional Inputs
Indicates additional resource input parameters and values for the attached topology. Output is a five column matrix with Job Index, Resource Path, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Jobs Test Paths
Provide the full path to each of the job's tests. Output is a four column matrix with Job Index, Test Index, Test Path and Test Estimated Duration as the column headers. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Test Index column should be a run of unique numbers that specifies the order of the tests. The test index will be used as the test identifier in the Test Parameters input matrix. The test path column should contain the full details about the location of the test, for example: TestShell\Tests\Shared\Validation\TestCase1. The Test Estimated Duration is the estimated number of minutes for the execution of the test, This value will be used to calculate the job duration.
out String matrix Jobs Test Parameters
Parameter information for each of the job's tests. Output is a four column matrix with Job Index, Test Index, Parameter Name and Parameter Value as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Test Index column corresponds to the value in the Test Paths matrix. Tests with multiple parameters will have a row for each parameter, with the same Test Index value over multiple rows.
out String Existing Reservation ID
Specify existing reservation ID to use for the created suite. This will only be possible for suites with one job and no topologies. Note that the system doesn’t validate the number of jobs attached to the same reservation id. Validation if needed should be applied by the clients of the API.
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Enqueue Custom Suite

Create a new custom automation suite and add it to queue


void EnqueueCustomSuite(suiteTemplateName, suiteName, description, type, emailNotification, removeJobsFromQueueAfter, endReservationOnEnd, jobsDetails, jobExecutionServers, topologyGlobalInputs, topologyRequirementsInputs, topologyAdditionalInputs, jobsTestPaths, jobsTestParameters, existingReservationId)


String Suite Template Name
Specify the name of the suite template to use as a container for the suite. Empty value indicates an adHoc suite.
String Suite Name
Specify the name of the suite template to use as a container for the suite. Empty value indicates an adHoc suite.
String Description
Specify the automation suite description.
String Type
Specify the automation suite type. Default value: TestShell
String Email Notifications
Specify notification trigger settings: None, Errors Only, Suite and Errors, or All.
Numeric Remove Jobs From Queue After
Indicates the number of minutes for the suite's execution queue timeout. Suites are automatically removed from the queue upon timing out. -1 Indicates that queue timeout is disabled.
String End Reservation On End
Specify if the suite's reservation should end automatically upon execution completion.
String matrix Jobs Details
Input is an 9 column matrix with Job Index, name, Description, Logging Profile, Estimated Duration, Stop On Fail, Stop On Error, Topology Name, and Duration Time Buffer as the column headings. The Index column will display a run of unique numbers. The Suite Name column indicates the name of the parent automation suite. The Name column indicates the name of each job. The Description column indicates the description of each job. The Logging Profile column indicates the selected logging profile for this job. (None, All, Results, Measurements and Results) The Estimated Duration column Indicates the number of minutes entered as the job's estimated duration. -1 indicates that the duration will be calculated automatically according to the test durations. The Stop On Fail column indicates whether the job was set to stop execution if any of its tests failed. The Stop On Error column indicates whether the job was set to stop execution if any of its tests ended with an error. The Topology Name column indicates the name of attached topology. Duration Time Buffer indicates the number of minutes to be added to the duration estimation.
String matrix Job Execution Servers
Input should be a two column matrix with Job Index and Execution Server as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. In the Job Execution Server column, specify the selected execution server that ran the job. If a job has multiple execution servers, there will be a row with the same index value for each required execution server.
String matrix Topology Global Inputs
Provide an optional list of input parameters and parameter values for the attached topology. Input should be a four column matrix with Job Index, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
String matrix Topology Requirements Inputs
Specify requirements for specific resources that must be included in the topology (Optional). Input should be a six column matrix with Job Index, Resource Path, Name, Value, Type, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. The Type column indicates whether the Name and Value fields refer to resource model, quantity, or attribute. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
String matrix Topology Additional Inputs
Specify an optional list of additional input parameters and values for the attached topology. Input is a five column matrix with Job Index, Resource Path, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
String matrix Jobs Test Paths
Specify the full path to each of the job's tests. Input is a four column matrix with Job Index, Test Index, Test Path and Test Estimated Duration. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Test Index column should be a run of unique numbers that specifies the order of the tests. The test index will be used as the test identifier in the Test Parameters input matrix. The test path column should contain the full details about the location of the test, for example: TestShell\Tests\Shared\Validation\TestCase1. The Test Estimated Duration is the estimated number of minutes for the execution of the test, This value will be used to calculate the job duration.
String matrix Jobs Test Parameters
Specify parameter information for each of the job's tests. Input is a four column matrix with Job Index, Test Index, Parameter Name and Parameter Value as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Test Index column corresponds to the value in the Test Paths matrix. Tests with multiple parameters will have a row for each parameter, with the same Test Index value over multiple rows.
String Existing Reservation ID
Specify existing reservation ID to use for the created suite. This will only be possible for suites with one job and no topologies. Note that the system doesn’t validate the number of jobs attached to the same reservation id. Validation if needed should be applied by the clients of the API.
out String Suite Id
The ID of the automation suite that was created.
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Get Suite Details

Retrieves the full details of a specific automation suite instance




String Suite Id
Specify the ID of the automation suite.
out String Suite Template Name
the name of the suite template that is used as a container for the suite
out String Suite Name
Indicates the name of the automation suite.
out String Description
Displays the automation suite description.
out String Type
Indicates the automation suite type.
out String Owner
Indicates the name of the user who created the automation suite.
out String Email Notifications
Indicates notification trigger settings: None, Errors, Suite and Errors, or All.
out Numeric Remove Jobs From Queue After
Indicates the number of minutes for the suite's execution queue timeout. Suites are automatically removed from the queue upon timing out. -1 Indicates that queue timeout is disabled.
out String End Reservation On End
Indicates if the suite's reservation was set to end automatically upon execution completion.
out String matrix Jobs Details
Output is an 11 column matrix with Job Index, Name, Description, Logging Profile, Estimated Duration, Stop On Fail, Stop On Error, Topology Name, Duration Time Buffer, Job State and Job Result as the column headings. The Index column will display a run of unique numbers. The Suite Name column indicates the name of the parent automation suite. The Name column indicates the name of each job. The Description column indicates the description of each job. The Logging Profile column indicates the selected logging profile for this job. (None, All, Results, Measurements and Results) The Estimated Duration column indicates the number of minutes entered as the job's estimated duration. -1 indicates that the duration will be calculated automatically according to the test durations. The Stop On Fail column indicates whether the job was set to stop execution if any of its tests failed. The Stop On Error column indicates whether the job was set to stop execution if any of its tests ended with an error. The Topology Name column indicates the name of attached topology. Duration Time Buffer indicates the number of minutes to be added to the duration estimation. The job state indicates the current state of the job. The job result indicates the result of the job execution.
out String matrix Job Execution Servers
Indicates the execution servers for each job Output is a two column matrix with Job Index and Execution Server as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. If a job has multiple execution servers, there will be a row with the same index value for each required execution server.
out String matrix Topology Global Inputs
Indicates the topology’s input parameters and parameter values. Output is a four column matrix with Job Index, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Topology Requirements Inputs
Indicates requirements for specific topology resources. Output is a 6 column matrix with Job Index, Resource Path, Name, Value, Type, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. The Type column indicates whether the Name and Value fields refer to resource model, quantity, or attribute. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Topology Additional Inputs
Indicates additional resource input parameters and values for the attached topology. Output is a five column matrix with Job Index, Resource Path, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Jobs Test Details
Information about the tests that were selected for this job. Output is a nine column matrix with Job Index, Test Index, Test Path, Test Estimated Duration, State, Start Time, End Time, Result, and Report ID as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Test Index column should be a run of unique numbers that specifies the order of the tests. The test index will be used as the test identifier in the Test Parameters input matrix. The Test Path column indicates the location of each test. The State column indicates the current status for each test. The Start Time and End Time columns indicate the execution start and end times for each test. The Result column indicates the test status. Concatenate the Report ID column value to the relevant IP address to create a URL to the test report. The Test Estimated Duration is the estimated number of minutes for the execution of the test, This value will be used to calculate the job duration.
out String matrix Jobs Test Parameters
Parameter information for each of the job's tests. Output is a four column matrix with Job Index, Test Index, Parameter Name and Parameter Value as the column headings. The Job Index column corresponds to the value in the Jobs Details matrix. The Test Index column corresponds to the value in the Test Paths matrix. Tests with multiple parameters will have a row for each parameter, with the same Test Index value over multiple rows.
out String Suite Status
Indicates the current status of the automation suite: Pending, Started, Ended or Failed to Start
out String Suite Result
Indicate the result of the suite: Error, Failed, Succeeded
out String Remaining Jobs
Indicates the number of uncompleted jobs
out String Start Time
Indicates the date and time when the suite began execution.
out String End Time
Indicates the date and time when the suite completed its execution. The value will be null if the execution hasn't yet ended.
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Stop Suite Execution

Stops the execution of all the suite's jobs




String Suite Id
Specify the ID of the automation suite to stop.
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Import Package

Imports a quali package into the system.




String Package Path
Full path to the location of the package that is going to be imported
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Export Package

Export a quali package into the system.


ExportPackage(packageSavePath, topologiesNames)


String Package Path
Full file path to the location to where the package is going to be exported. Overwrites the file if exists.
String matrix Topologies
Names of the topologies to include in the package
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Enqueue Custom Job

Creates a new custom job, attaches it to a new AdHoc suite, and adds it to the job queue.


EnqueueCustomJob(name, description, executionServers, loggingProfile, estimatedDuration, stopOnFail, stopOnError, testPaths, testParameters, topologyName, topologyGlobalInputs, topologyRequirementsInputs, topologyAdditionalInputs, durationTimeBuffer, emailNotifications, type)


String Job Name
Specify the name of the job. (Limited to 50 characters)
String Description
Provide a short description of the job. (Limited to 500 characters)
String matrix Execution Servers
Specify a list of one or more execution servers for running the job. Leave empty to run the job on any available execution server.
String Logging Profile
Indicate which logging profile to use when executing the job's tests. None, All, Results, Measurements and Results
Numeric Estimated Duration
Specify the time (in minutes) it will take to complete the job -1 indicates that the duration will be calculated automatically according to the test durations.
String Stop On Fail
Indicate whether to stop the job execution if one of the tests fails.
String Stop On Error
Indicate whether to abort the job if any test ends with an error.
String matrix Test Paths
Provide the full path to each of the job's tests. The input should be a three column matrix with Index, Test Path, and Test Estimated Duration as the column headings. If you omit the column headings, use empty values for the top row. The index column should be a run of unique numbers that specifies the order of the tests. The test index will be used as the test identifier in the Test Parameters input matrix. The test path column should contain the full details about the location of the test, for example: TestShell\Tests\Shared\Validation\TestCase1. The Test Estimated Duration is the estimated number of minutes for the execution of the test, This value will be used to calculate the job duration.
String matrix Test Parameters
Specify the input parameters for each of the job's tests. Input should be a three column matrix with Index, Parameter Name, and Parameter Value as the column headings. If you omit the column headings, leave an empty row. The Index column corresponds to the test index from the Test Path matrix. If a test has multiple inputs, there will be a row with the same index value for each required parameter.
String Topology Name
Specify which topology to attach to the job (Optional)
String matrix Topology Global Inputs
Provide a List of input parameters and parameter values for the attached topology (Optional). Input should be a three column matrix with Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. If you omit the column headings, use empty values for the top row. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column. This column is only relevant when retrieving information.
String matrix Topology Requirements Inputs
Provide requirements for specific resources that must be included in the topology (Optional). Input should be a five column matrix with Resource Path, Name, Value, Type, and Possible Values as the column headings. If you omit the column headings, use empty values for the top row. In the Resource Path column, specify the full path to the required resources. In the Type column, indicate whether the Name and Value fields refer to resource model, quantity, or attribute. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column. This column is only relevant when retrieving information.
String matrix Topology Additional Inputs
Provide a list of additional input parameters and values for the attached topology (Optional). Input should be a four column matrix with Resource Path, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. If you omit the column headings, use empty values for the top row. In the Resource Path column, specify the full path to the required resources. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column. This column is only relevant when retrieving information.
Numeric Duration Time Buffer
Indicates the number of minutes to be added to the duration estimation. Note that this parameter is used only when "Estimated Duration" is calculated automatically.
String Email Notification
Specify notification trigger settings: None, Errors Only, Suite and Errors, or All.
String Type
Indicates the automation suite type. Default value: TestShell
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Get Job Details

Retrieves all details and parameters for a specified job.




String Job Id
Specify the ID of the job to retrieve
out String Job Name
The name of the job associated with the specified job ID. (Limited to 50 characters)
out String Description
The description of the job associated with the specified job ID. (Limited to 500 characters)
out String Owner Name
The name of the user who created this job.
out String Job State
The current state of the job. Pending, Scheduled, Running, Done, Stopped, Cancelled or Failed to Start.
out String Job Result
The result of the job execution: Completed, Passed, Failed, Ended With Error, Ended With An Exception, Manually Stopped, Terminated, or Not Started
out String Job Failure Description
A short description of the reason for a failed execution. This value will be empty for a running job or for completed jobs that ran without problems.
out String Enqueue Time
The date and time when the job was enqueued.
out String Start Time
The date and time when the job started running. The value will be null if the job is still Pending or Failed to Start.
out String End Time
The date and time when the job stopped running. The value will be null if the job has not yet ended.
out Numeric Elapsed Time
The number of minutes that have elapsed since the job started. Returns -1 if the job hasn't started yet. Returns the job duration (in minutes) if the job has already finished.
out String Use Any Execution Server
Indicates that the job owner allowed the job to run on any available server.
out String matrix Execution Servers
A list of Execution server names that were selected by the user for this job. This parameter will have values only if the job is still pending.
out String Selected Execution Server
The execution server that was selected to run the job.
out String Logging Profile
The selected logging profile for this job’s tests. None, All, Results, Measurements and Results
out String Stop On Fail
Indicate whether to stop the job execution if one of the tests fails.
out String Stop On Error
Indicate whether to abort the job if any test ends with an error.
out String matrix Test Paths
Information about the tests that were selected for this job. Output is an eight column matrix with Index, Test Path, Test Estimated Duration, State, Start Time, End Time, Result, and Report ID as the column headings. The Index column will display a run of unique numbers. The Test Path column indicates the location of each test. The Test Estimated Duration is the estimated number of minutes for the execution of the test, This value will be used to calculate the job duration. The State column indicates the current status for each test. The Start Time and End Time columns indicate the execution start and end times for each test. The Result column indicates the test status. Concatenate the Report ID column value to the relevant IP address to create a URL to the test report.
out String matrix Test Parameters
Parameter information for each of the job's tests. Output will be a three column matrix with Index, Parameter Name and Parameter Value as the column headings. The Index column corresponds to the index value in the Test Details matrix. Tests with multiple parameters will have a row for each parameter, with the same index value over multiple rows.
out String Topology Name
Indicates the name of the attached topology.
out String matrix Topology Global Inputs
Indicates the topology’s input parameters and parameter values. Output is a three column matrix with Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Topology Requirements Inputs
Indicates requirements for specific topology resources. Output is a five column matrix with Resource Path, Name, Value, Type, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. The Type column indicates whether the Name and Value fields refer to resource model, quantity, or attribute. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out String matrix Topology Additional Inputs
Indicates additional resource input parameters and values for the attached topology. Output is a four column matrix with Resource Path, Name, Value, and Possible Values as the column headings. The Resource Path column indicates the full path to the added topology resources. If any of the parameters have predefined values, they will be displayed in the Possible Values column.
out Numeric Duration Time Buffer
Indicates the number of minutes to be added to the duration estimation.
out String Expected Start Time
The expected execution start date and time for a job that is currently pending.
out String Suite Id
The ID of the suite that was used to create this job.
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Get Queued Jobs

Retrieves the list of all jobs that are currently in the job queue.




out String matrix Queued Jobs
Output is an seven column matrix with Job ID, Job Name, Owner, Enqueue Time, Job Details Url, Expected Start Time, and Suite Id as the column headings. Job ID indicates the ID of each job. Job Name indicates the name of the job. Suite Id indicates the ID of the automation suite that was used to create each job. Owner indicates name of the user who initiated each job. Enqueue Time indicates the date and time that each job was added to the queue. Expected Start Time indicates each job's expected execution start date and time. Job Details Url indicates the link address to the REST function that retrieves the full details of the job.
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Get Running Jobs

Retrieves the list of all jobs that are currently running




out String matrix Running Jobs
Output is a nine column matrix with Job ID, JobName, Owner, Start Time, Execution Server, Current Test, Current Test ID, Total Tests, and suiteId as the column headings. Job ID indicates the ID of each running job. JobName indicates the name of the job. suiteId indicates the ID of the automation suite that was used to create each job. Owner indicates name of the user who initiated each job. Start Time indicates when each job was started. Execution Server indicates the name of the execution server running each job. Current Test indicates the test that is currently being executed for each running job. Current Test ID indicates the ID of the currently running test. Total Tests indicates the number of tests for each running job.
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Stop Job Execution

Stops the execution of the job




String Job Id
Specify the ID of the job to stop.
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Get Reservation Attachment

Get Reservation Attachment


GetReservationAttachment(reservationId, fileName, saveToFolderPath)


String Reservation Id
Specify the id of the reservation.
String Filename
Specify the requested filename in the reservation.
String Save Path
Specify the path where the file will be saved
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Get Reservation Attachments Details

Get Reservation Attachments Details




String Reservation Id
Specify the id of the reservation.
out String matrix Filenames
List of reservation's saved attachments.
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Attach File To Reservation

Attach File To Reservation


AttachFileToReservation(reservationId, filePath, saveFileAs, overwriteIfExists)


String Reservation Id
Specify the id of the reservation.
String File path
Specify the path of the file that needs to be uploaded as a form-data param named ‘QualiPackage’.
String Save file as
Save file as
String Overwrite If Exists
Overwrite If Exists
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Delete File From Reservation

Delete File From Reservation


DeleteFileFromReservation(reservationId, fileName)


String Reservation Id
Specify the id of the reservation.
String Filename
Specify the fullname of the file to delete
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