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Version: 2024.1

Quali Server Crash

Error Message

In CloudShell Portal:

Service not available

In Windows Event Viewer>Application (for crashes related to a MongoDB error):

Application: QsTeamServer.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.TimeoutExceptionat MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.Cluster.ThrowTimeoutException(MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.ServerSelectors.IServerSelector, MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.ClusterDescription)
at MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.Cluster+WaitForDescriptionChangedHelper.HandleCompletedTask(System.Threading.Tasks.Task


Quali Server stops working, resulting in unresponsive CloudShell applications or a "Service not available" indication message when attempting to log into CloudShell.

Possible Causes

A Quali Server crash may be caused by:

  • A bad connection
  • Database error - disconnect/timeout on MongoDB or a database failure in MSSQL


  • Check Quali Server connectivity.
  • Restart Quali Server service.
  • Check database connectivity and functionality for Quali Server databases Mongo/MSSQL.