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Version: 2023.3

OpenStack Deploy Glance Image 2G Deployment Path Attributes

The following attributes would be used to define the OpenStack Deploy Glance Image 2nd Gen:

Cloud ProviderName of the OpenStack cloud provider resource to be used
Image IDUUID of the image to be used to create the App's Openstack instance. Can be found on Portal in Compute>Images>select the image>ID value.
Instance Flavor

(Optional) OpenStack instance Flavor. The instance flavor determines the CPU, memory and networking capacity of the instance. For example: "m1.tiny" or "m1.xlarge".

Can be found on Portal in Compute>Flavors>select the flavor>Flavor Name.

Add Floating IP

Set to True to use a static (public) IP address to communicate with the instance from outside the virtual network. Default value is False.

In most cases the floating IP address is associated with the instance until the instance is stopped or terminated, after which the floating IP is no longer available. You can reserve a floating IP in OpenStack to ensure that the IP is available to your subscription at any time.

Affinity Group ID

(Optional) UUID of the affinity group ("nova server-group") to which the instance will be associated. Affinity groups determine on which compute nodes to place instances.


To support the deployment of 'all' OpenStack instances using the same hypervisor, affinity groups with the 'affinity' policy are used.

Availability Zone(Optional) Name of the availability zone to which the instance will be associated. Availability zones are used to group network nodes to enhance the availability of network resources.
Floating IP Subnet IDUUID of the subnet to use for Floating IPs.
Auto UDEVEnable Linux udev rules to allow new interfaces to be recognized by the OS automatically. When using Windows machines, this attribute should be set to False.
User DataCustom user data to pass to the deployed App instance. For example, some metadata or post-installation script. For details, see this official OpenStack documentation page:
Inbound Ports

Semi-colon separated list of CIDRs, ports and protocols on which to open inbound traffic from outside of the sandbox.
The syntax is [cidr:][protocol:]port-or-port-range. For example:;443;udp:200-220.
Default CIDR is "". Default protocol is "tcp".

Private IPThe IP will be set for the management interface. The IP should be inside the management network ranges. OpenStack doesn't allow to use the same IP address for different instances.